Our Team



Ben & Nicki Turner

Lead Pastor

Lisa Weathers

Director of Operations

Michael thigpen

Director of Worship

Will Yancey

Director of Children’s Ministry

John Thomas

Pastoral Intern

Jaron yeater

Director of Student Ministry

Isabella Reyes

Children’s Ministry Intern

Renzo Diaz

Pastoral Resident

Church Officers

The Church has one mission with two offices of leadership. Jesus established these offices to lead and care for his Church. Elders are primarily charged with shepherding and deacons are primarily charged with serving (Acts 6:1-7; 1 Peter 5:1-3). These two roles are distinct, yet complimentary in declaring and demonstrating the Gospel to the nations. The leadership position of deaconess is an unordained, commissioned role for women serving alongside the deacons to care for those in need (Rom. 16:1; 1 Tim. 3:11; Acts 9:36-40; BCO 9-7).


scott macdonald

enrique matos

Oscar medina

tim mitchell

Ben Turner

Deacons & Deaconesses

Greg Allen

Bethany Green

Ty Hardin

Steve Morey

Tonya Rose

William Wainwright

Tara Yancey

Will Yancey